
Basket Parties are VERY EASY to do! The Main idea of a Basket Parties is to send "Jewelry in a Basket" with someone.
They can take it to their Office or Work Place, to a Reunion, at a Salon, etc. They will show to their Family, Friends and Co-workers, and will sell what they can! They get "Hostess bonuses" for their Effort (10% of Sales or 1 Free Piece for every 10 sold). Easy peasy! Its a win-win situation.
I not only recommend others to do Basket parties, but I, myself, Take a basket with me EVERY WHERE I go! It's a really easy way to sell jewelry on the spot!
So, What does a basket party look like? - There are so many ways to do a Basket Party. Here are some Examples:
What you Basically want to do is the Following:
Here is what I normally put in. - This also depends and varies based on how many people are going to be at the work place/party.
I normally put about 100 pieces. Basket parties are great for smaller inventories. They never know that you don't have 2000 pieces at home. They just are excited about $5 jewelry.
Here is the Breakdown:
-50-60 necklaces. Lots of best sellers and neutrals. At least one of each color that is NOT neutral.
-10-15 pairs of earrings ( Mostly neutrals with a little color added.)
-10 bracelets
-10 rings
-10 clips
-10 headbands
*Starlet Shimmers (optional) - ask your hostess.
On My Basket parties I keep all the headbands, clips, bracelets, and earrings in their own separate bags for easy locating. Keeping things organized helps the jewelry not getting as tangled and broken. I keep the rings in the ring boxes.
I also put a mirror, my business card, drawing slips, Top 10 reasons to become a Paparazzi consultant, a money bag with 1 $5, 5 $1 and $2.50 in quarters, and an inventory sheet that tells the hostess how many pieces of each are in the basket. Find that Here or click on the Tab beside this article.
On that paper, I also have the price and "Make checks payable to: Andrea Hutcheson." I also tell the hostess if she gets anyone to host a party from that basket party, I will give her a free piece of jewelry - that gives her incentive to talk to her co-workers about hosting parties.
I recommend leaving a basket at a place for at least 2 days. Many of my Customers like to keep it for a week.