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How to Guide:
1. I purchased 3 sheets of pegboard at Home Depot and had them cut one foot off of each board. Then they cut the remaining boards into 4 equal pieces which are 2’x3’.
2. Paint all 12 of the 2’x3’ pieces your desired color. Mine are grey.
3. Purchase 2”x2”x8’ boards for the trim. We measured each board individually to make sure we cut them exactly. (just in case Home Depot didn’t cut them perfectly)
4. Paint the trim boards your desired color. Mine are black.
5. Use drywall screws to screw the trim to the boards. We just lined the trim up with the edge of the pegboard so we did lose one row of holes all the way around, but those holes were where we screwed the trim to the boards. You can see the black screws in the picture with them closed.
6. I bought small hinges at Home Depot. They come in packs of 2, so I used one pack per display case.
7. I bought small hook and eye closures at Walmart to help keep them closed. I leave the jewelry in them and use the pink foam for protection.
8. You can display one case individually, or stack two high. I used the long black zip ties to connect them at my last event because I didn’t have any Velcro straps yet. Either will work.
These are free standing, so no need for the garment racks. They fold up nicely and store without taking much space.

Made by: Rebecca Stefani

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

© 2023 by Andrea Hutcheson. 

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