The Fashion Fix: The Ultimate Sales Tool

The Fashion Fix: The Ultimate Sales Tool If you’ve ever had a customer ask you for fashion advice and felt like you were in over your head, you are not alone. Being faced with questions like, “What necklace would work with this outfit?” or, “Do you have a bracelet that would match this ring?” can cause panic and self-doubt to seep into the hearts of even the trendiest Consultants. We have a fix for your fashion dilemma: the Fashion Fix! The Fashion Fix is a pack of 25 NEW accessories that is shipped to your door every month. These 25 pieces include FIVE Trend Blends (four pieces each) and five exclusive individual Stylist Picks. The Fashion Fix will feature new styles and designs every single month, giving those who are enrolled in the program the inside edge when it comes to fueling sales and setting trends. While it may be tempting to keep all of these accessories for yourself, the Fashion Fix is the most incredible sales tool we’ve ever developed and can generate some serious retail profit for you! Here’s how it works: Your monthly Fashion Fix will be processed on the 20th of every month and shipped within the next 2-3 business days. This means you can expect to receive your Fashion Fix before the end of the month! The pieces inside will be available for purchase on the 5th day of the following month (with the exception of the five Stylist Picks. Those are ONLY available to those who subscribe to the Fashion Fix and will not be for sale anywhere else.). For example, the accessories inside August’s Fashion Fix will be available for purchase on September 5th. This gives you a head start on pre-selling the newest accessories! When your Fashion Fix arrives, we strongly suggest hosting a previewing party! Invite everyone to come and check out the new Trend Blends and let them know that you will be placing an order on the 5th. Do not sell your Fashion Fix pieces. Use them as displays to sell hundreds of the individual pieces when they hit the website on the 5th. The more people that see your Fashion Fix displays, the more you will sell.

A printed Style Snapshot will accompany each Trend Blend. This Style Snapshot should be framed and displayed alongside the Trend Blend itself. Along with each Style Snapshot, those enrolled in the Fashion Fix ere paired together, how to dress a look up or down, or hints at what accessories you could add to tweak the look that’s been created. At the end of the month when your next Fashion Fix arrives, do it all over again! Then keep the previous month’s Fashion Fix for yourself and feed your own $5 habit.
How do yous sign up for it? Just call (855)697-2727 and let them know you want to join the waiting list. Make sure you do ASAP, because it might take 2-3 months before you can join the Club.
This Programs is Exclusive!!! That is approximately TWO FULL WEEKS of exclusive access as a member of the Fashion Fix! This takes the power of this incredible sales tool to the next level, because now you get to tell your customers that YOU have access to something not all Consultants can get. Not only will this set you apart from the masses, it validates you as a fashion Consultant because you will have the newest of the new and the trendiest of the trendy accessories. It also creates a fabulous culture destined for repeat customers as they come back month after month to see what exclusive new pieces you have for them.