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Why You Should Attend Paparazzi Events

Not only are Paparazzi events known as some of the biggest parties of the year, attending can impact your business in a powerfully priceless and long-lasting way. Whether you are a Paparazzi veteran or a brand new Consultant, set a goal now to make it to at least one Paparazzi event this year. Here are just a few reasons why you should be booking your seat NOW: Meet your Team! Interacting with your upline leaders and letting your team members do the same can be a pivotal moment in your business. Pulling from a pool of experiences, techniques, and lessons learned is of unbelievable value. Meeting those on your team also allows you to find strengths that can be shared! Do you have an upline who rocks at creating displays? Is there an accountant in your downline that might want to share tips on owning your own business? There is no way for you to know this type of information unless you get to know your team and Paparazzi events are a GREAT place to do just that! Tap into the Big Picture! Do you know what Paparazzi’s goals are for the next year? How do you know if your vision matches where we’re headed? Joining us at a Paparazzi event is a great way to stay connected to the vision of Paparazzi! You'll also have the chance to be the first to hear business-changing announcements. Submerge Yourself in the Paparazzi Culture! If you haven’t had the pleasure of being in a room with hundreds of Paparazzi Consultants, you haven’t lived! Being surrounded by strong, motivated, empowered Consultants who are passionate about change is something that will stay with you. You have to feel it to believe it! Learn, Learn, Learn! Arrive at each Paparazzi event with the intent of soaking up all the knowledge you possibly can. You’ll find that through face-to-face interaction with other Consultants and the presentations from those speaking on stage, you’ll walk away with a wealth of knowledge. You’ll be better prepared for the natural ups and downs that come with running your own business, learn how to build an unstoppable team, and be ready to get a head start on your next set of goals. Be Recognized for Your Accomplishments! Part of what makes Paparazzi events so powerful is the opportunity they present to recognize our Consultants for their hard work - particularly at our annual convention each fall. The entire room lights up as Consultants receive their cornerstone recognition pieces, snap pictures with the Founders, and take their turn in the spotlight. You deserve to be celebrated!

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