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Discovering your Roadmap to Success

The strength of the Paparazzi family lies in the unique qualities each of their Consultants brings to the mix. Some of you have an amazing ability to sell jewelry and innately understand fashion and trends. Others are able to easily communicate with your team and constantly find new ways to stay in contact with each one of your team members. Some of you show great strength in staying organized and have mastered the art of task management. Have you ever thought about the talents you bring to the table? Have you shared them with your teammates? Sharing your skill sets and developed techniques with your Paparazzi team is a pivotal part in allowing your business to grow. Duplicating yourself in another Consultant is one of the most powerful tools that you can have. But where do you even begin? Sometimes your talents and skills have become such second nature to you that you no longer think about what it is that makes your business successful. These behaviors have been ingrained in your daily routine and have become a reflex that you no longer consciously think through before you just do. By pinpointing these behaviors, you can share them with your team, coincidentally sharing your road map to success. For example, let’s say that you call and welcome every new Consultant who joins your team. You know where to find this information in your Back Office, you know what that first call entails, and you know the impact this can have on building a solid relationship with that new team member from the very beginning of her business. Have you considered that the concept of reaching out to a new team member may not ever occur to another Consultant? Think of what they’re missing! To pinpoint what it is that you do on a daily basis, we would like to challenge you to keep a list of every single thing you do for your Paparazzi business every day for one full week. That means EVERYTHING: Responding to Facebook messages, ordering inventory, looking at a report in your Back Office, sending a thank you note, searching for new Hostesses, handing out business cards, calling a team member, etc. Anything that you do throughout the week that is related to Paparazzi needs to be written down. Nothing is too small. Tracking your business activities will allow you to see patterns and behaviors that you can help your team duplicate. As you begin to share these processes with others, you’ll find that what you see as quick, seemingly effortless tasks are not always common knowledge. That’s the beauty of the Paparazzi network! If you’re not sure where to start, here is a list of four behaviors that are common among all successful Paparazzi Consultants. These four simple actions will change your business. There is great power in their simplicity.

  • Be a product of the product. Wear your favorite Paparazzi pieces to work, school, running errands, and more. Get ready to receive some compliments and to share the best part: Everything is just $5!

  • Carry business cards everywhere you go. Make sure you have your replicated website address and your contact information on them, and let those you give your card to know that you throw parties and give away free jewelry.

  • Do four parties every month. Parties are the lifeblood of your business. This is where you’ll find more parties, future Hostesses, and new team members who are excited about starting their own Paparazzi business.

  • Call your new team members within 24 to 48 hours of their Starter Kit purchase. Walk them through what to expect in their Starter Kit, help them schedule their Launch Party, and open the door of communication so that they feel comfortable reaching out to you with questions.

The variety of strengths within our growing team of Consultants is what allows Paparazzi to work for such a broad range of people. Being able to party the way you want to and build your business the way that works for you has allowed countless families to experience the benefits of owning their own business. Thank you for bringing your unique talents and insights to the table and for being a part of this incredible journey.

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