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From Craving to Consultant: Why Customers Make the Best Business Owners

We all keep a list of our favorite things. Some lists contain our favorite song, drink, vacation destination, clothing store, or hobby; however, there is one item that pops up on the top of everyone’s list and that is our favorite food. You may have a favorite dessert or comfort food you gravitate to when you’re feeling blue or, perhaps, there is a treasured restaurant that you visit often because quite simply − you crave it. We enjoy eating our favorite foods because they leave us feeling satisfied. This satisfaction prompts us to crave our favorite foods and more often than not, thoughts of those foods become so persistent that we eventually appease our appetite. We all truly crave our favorite things, but do your customers crave Paparazzi? Do they crave the product, the energetic party environment, and the elated feeling they get from being a part of the fun? Every time they attend a party do they leave wanting more? Do they talk about the experience often? Do they come back to your next party or event in search of their next serving of Paparazzi and all it offers? Have you appeased their appetite? Creating a craving for Paparazzi is the best way to build your business. Not only do you develop a consistent stream of retail sales, you also create a thriving network of people who could potentially become future team members. Feeding your customers’ five dollar habit creates more opportunities to meet new people and build your team. One of the most frequently asked questions we hear from Consultants comes from their quest to find the secret to building a team. They believe there is a magic bullet or special trick to help them. We can tell you from experience that there is not a quick gimmick to grow your team over night. It takes time. Those who are customers before becoming Consultants have a higher rate of success with their Paparazzi business. The most effective team members are those who have physically interacted with the product prior to joining the Paparazzi family. This interaction is most commonly achieved by attending a party or event. In some cases, customers may have consistent buying opportunities with a Consultant one-on-one, but these are few and far between. Why do customers make the best Consultants? They Believe In The Product. As customers before Consultants, they bought the product. They wore it, they received compliments while wearing it, and now they love it! You can’t fake that excitement! They Know How The Business Works. At a party, customers interact with the product, but more importantly, they interact with other guests. They are mindful of guests’ excitement. They witness firsthand a Consultant making retail profit as they watch the cash flow. They see everyone - including the Consultant - enjoying themselves. They see the business model in action and recognize that it can be easily duplicated and powerful. They Have Enthusiasm For The Product. It is easier to sell a product when others can sense your excitement for that product. Others see your joy and naturally want to participate. If a Consultant has been on the retail end of our product, they know exactly what a customer is experiencing…Pure jewelry bliss. Don’t be so anxious to gain team members before loyal customers. Allow your loyal customers to naturally progress into strong team members. That is the most crucial step of this simple process. Remember, customers are your best form of advertising and by sharing their excitement with others, you will get more retail sales, book more parties, and further spread the message of Paparazzi in your community. The more enthralled your customers become with the product, the more interested in the Paparazzi business model they will become. Create a craving for Paparazzi and the rest will fall into place.

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