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Hungry for More Sales? Don’t Forget to E.A.T.!
Do you remember when you first considered becoming a Paparazzi Consultant? Were you drawn to the accessories? Were you inspired by the income potential? Maybe you were attracted to the famous $5 price tag or were encouraged by the confidence that could be generated from a seemingly simple piece of jewelry. Whatever your reason, chances are that you discovered it at a Paparazzi party.
Parties are the lifeblood of Paparazzi. Parties are where you meet new customers, future Hostesses, and potential new team members. Parties are what connect customers to the product, and, more importantly, they connect the product to YOU. Whether you party at home, online, or at expos and events, there is one thing you can do that will increase your retail profit: E.A.T.
E is for Enthusiasm: Try to remember the first time you laid eyes on Miss YOU-niverse, A Silver Spell, or Hypnotized and how excited you were when you found out it was only $5. This is the level of enthusiasm that your customers should feel when you are selling ANY piece at ANY party! Do you let your customers see your excitement for Paparazzi? Whether you’re hosting an online party or working with a Hostess in her home, keep your energy up, remember to smile, and interact with your customers as often as you can.
A is for Appearance: Adorably affordable jewelry will sell itself, but there are things you can do that will make your customers ask, "HOW is this only $5?" instead of “WHY is this only $5?”
Let the jewelry be the focus of your displays. Stick to solid backgrounds and professional busts, and uncluttered layouts. Block your displays by colors and keep straight lines that allow your shoppers to easily locate matching pieces. If you’re hosting an online party, keep the background professional and clean. Don’t let your customers be distracted by piles of dirty laundry or a messy kitchen.
Be aware of your personal appearance. Would you show up to your office in pajamas with your hair in a matted mess? Your Paparazzi business is just that – a business. Approach your parties with a professional attitude and you’ll present yourself more professionally. This will result in more sales, more inquiries about becoming a Consultant, and more referrals for future Hostesses.
T is for Timing: If you’re hosting a party for a group of teachers, it probably wouldn’t make sense to hold the event at 9:00 on a Tuesday morning. However, a Tuesday morning might be the perfect time for a party with a group of moms who just dropped their kids off at school. Work with your Hostess to determine the best time for HER guests to shop so that you can maximize the number of attendees.
Timing can also help you keep your guests engaged throughout the entire party. When hosting a party online, stagger the sale of your Blockbusters and other crowd favorites throughout the event instead of showing them all at once. Hosting a home party? Try the hidden box trick and watch your customers clamor to get their hands on that elusive piece that no one else can have. Timing is everything!
So, are you hungry? Don’t forget to E.A.T.!